Our aim is to provide support to all service users in a manner that is respectful, sensitive to their individual needs and abilities, and meets the Good Care Practice standards. Our 16+ accommodation and support services are designed to develop young people's skills and enable them to live independently.

Our objectives include:

  • Ensuring that our clients live in a clean, comfortable, and safe environment, and are treated with respect and sensitivity.
  • Delivering flexible, attentive, and non-discriminatory support while respecting each individual’s right to independence, privacy, dignity, and fulfilment.
  • Respecting each client’s needs and values in matters of religion, culture, race or ethnic origin, sexuality and sexual orientation, political affiliation, and disabilities or impairments.
  • Ensuring that the support service is delivered in accordance with agreed contracts.
  • Fostering an atmosphere of support that encourages personal choice, achievement, diversity, empowerment, personal rights, and overall well-being.
  • Providing skilled care to help service users achieve their optimum physical and mental health and well-being.
  • Recognising and respecting the individual uniqueness of all young people we support and all staff who work with us.
  • Respecting individual requirements for privacy and treating all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner.
  • Offering an individualised programme of meaningful activity to satisfy the needs of each client.
  • Implementing a Positive Behaviour Support approach to further understand the reasons for challenging behaviour, considering the client’s life history, physical health, and emotional needs, and providing appropriate support.